Sunday, December 7, 2008

Grandma and Me!

WOW, that is the largest Christmas
tree I have ever seen!
Grandma Jean
had to catch me from falling over
while looking at the thing.
Boy, am I glad Grandpa Frank
talked daddy out of buying that
mammoth 10 foot tall Christmas tree.
How would I
have ever chased Miles the Cat
around that thing?

Christmas Tree

I was so excited to get our
Christmas Tree today that I forgot
how cold it was.
14 Degrees...brrr.
This year we got a Douglas Fir!
I'm not sure who Doug is, but his trees
sure are cool.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

That's a lotta Tuba........

Tuba Christmas at Southpark Mall was really cool. I have never seen so many tubas at one time, it was crazy!

Someday, who knows, maybe I will be big enough to play the tuba.
I stole the Title above from one of Daddy's favorite movies...

Daddy's Favorite Face

Huggies Diapers from Target...$10.99

Argyle Sweater from JCPenny's........$24.99

My New Cheeseburger of a smile........


They call me....

Da Gawdfada of Fine Dine-in

Ooooh, Hey
How you's doins?

I like a Da Blueberries,
You gotta problem wit dat?

If it ain't messy, why eat em!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My 1st Snowman!!!


I had a great time helping
build our first snowman together. It was really cold outside, Brrrr as I would say!

Mom and Dad also got into a snowball fight, needless to say, mommy won!

Monday, December 1, 2008


Gee, I was tired today.
I guess that is what happens when you spend the entire
day chasing around the family cat!
That Miles always seems to get away from me....